
I have been a practising yogi since 2000 and work as a Natural Health and Wellness practitioner specialising in reflexology, therapeutic massage and detoxification, supporting clients through cleansing and fasting programs combined with colon hydrotherapy. I believe that fasting and cleansing gives the body the space to heal itself, still the mind and raises one's vibrations.

My lifelong yearning to teach yoga became a burning desire when I started attending yoga classes at Yoga Connection in 2001. After the traumatic birth of my first child, which resulted in severe Cerebral Palsy, life became intense, stressful and chaotic. Yoga was my salvation. Being on my yoga mat became a place of solace. The asanas allowed me to be in my body, in the moment. The pranayama and yoga nidra induced a calmness, peace and connection to my deepest self that could be found nowhere else.

We are each an expression of the life force within. Yoga guides us into a relationship with this life force. Through the breath, the physical body, a focused mind and an open heart, we encounter a more authentic way of being ourselves. In my classes I like to practice asana which strengthen and tone the body, in a meditative way, with time between each posture to feel the relaxation and tranquility that yoga induces. Allowing time for introspection and self-realization, combined with pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation for that connection to one's inner light and love.

I am honoured and filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share my knowledge of this ancient healing practice.