
My journey with yoga and well-being started at a young age in primary school when looking towards alternate healing methods. I found yoga and meditation to be one of the most healing and calming methods compared to any other. From then on yoga and well-being has been a part of my journey and lifestyle.

I completed my Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2019 with the Yoga Connection. I went on to teach my own classes for a while and to see the difference in my students' lives and how yoga was healing them was astonishing and inspiring. I decided that if I could share my knowledge and this practice with the world, I could impact people's lives in a way that changed mine forever.

In 2023, I went on to complete a diploma in nutrition. I believe that mind, body, and soul are connected as one and when you honour your body with nutrition, breath, and movement such as yoga, the mind and soul benefit greatly and all work together to heal the body as a whole.

My classes are based on Hatha yoga but also may include Dynamic Flow and other body-healing movements. This is a gentle beginner class for those looking to improve flexibility, strength, gain body awareness, and support healing through breath, awareness, movement, and focus.

I aim to create a relaxed, healing environment for my students that will leave a profound experience with each class they attend.