We are closed on Sundays and Public Holidays and will adapt our schedule in Holiday Periods ie Easter, Christmas & New Year. Please watch this page and our Facebook page "Yoga Connection - Brooklyn" for details.
Types of Class
The asana (postures and exercises) practised in these classes are traditional in style and are generally within the capability of most people. Instruction is detailed so that the novice will feel comfortable in their yoga practise.
These classes are recommended for persons who:
- Wish to practise de-stressing basic yoga asana
- Wish to improve and maintain their flexibility and muscle tone
- Have not previously practised yoga
- Have physical limitations
These classes are recommended for persons who are generally fit and are reasonably flexible. Persons attending these classes should have a basic knowledge of yoga asana and should not suffer from physical limitations.
Instructors in these classes are skilled and will cater to all levels of skill. They will caution and guide those quite new to yoga and encourage those who are more experienced or skilled to take particular asana to more advanced levels
Yin yoga is a more gentle, meditative approach to yoga. Its goals are awareness of inner silence and bringing to light a universal connective quality.
Yin yoga postures apply moderate stress on the connective tissues of the body, the tendons, fascia and ligaments. The aim is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility.
We do fewer postures but hold them for longer. The postures are all floor based, seated or lying on your mat. Sometimes we use props to make ourselves as comfortable as possible in the long-held postures.
Advanced Asana will appeal to students who are physically fit and strong without any physical limitations. Students should have had regular practise in yoga asana and be looking for that added challenge in their practise.
The focus is on linking series of poses together in a continuous movement. Moving with your breath from pose to pose and rarely holding any posture for any length of time. This flow offers strength, flexibility, concentration, breath work, and when you settle into the flow, meditation. If it's hot, do bring a sweat towel!
Yoga Connection Fees
We are excited to announce the restructuring and modernization of our payment model which will take effect on 1 August 2024
Join now and get 5 sessions for R450 per month
10 sessions for R600 per month
Unlimited access for R750 per month !
(Ts and Cs apply)
NEW !!!
Class Passes
One class – R120 I Four classes – R475 I Eight classes – R650
(Valid until the end of the month in which it was purchased)
Gift Vouchers
Give the gift of wellness and tranquility with our Yoga Gift vouchers—perfect for anyone looking to find balance, peace, and strength in their life!
(Gift Vouchers are valid for two months after date of purchase)
Paying Class fees and purchasing vouchers is easy and can be done in the following ways:
- Cash or Card - at the Studio
Please note we are moving towards becoming a cashless facility by the end of September 2024. - Online Payments – Click here
Please take note of NEW BANK DETAILS
Account Name: Serene View
Absa Cheque Account no: 9305 6304 52
Branch Code: Universal (632005)
Reference : Initials and Surname
Proof of payment to: yogaconnection243@gmail.com
Morning / Afternoon | Morning / Afternoon | Evening | |
Monday |
9h00 - 10h30 Basic/Beginner Deborah |
18h00 - 19h15 Basic/Beginner Cornelia |
Tuesday |
Yin Cornelia |
18h15 - 20h00 Advanced Iyengar Trevor |
Wednesday |
9h00 - 10h30 Basic Shahnaz |
18h00 - 19h15 Meditative Yoga William |
Thursday |
9h00 - 10h30 Basic/Beginner Keri 11h00 - 12h30 Basic/Gentle Annette |
16h30 - 17h30 Yin Yang - All Levels Cornelia |
18h00 - 19h00 Dynamic Hatha Franco |
Friday |
9h00 - 10h00 Basic/Beginners Nastassia/Keri 11h00 - 13h00 Prenatal Yoga - Booking essential No walk ins. Shikhara |
Saturday |
8h30 - 10h00 Intermediate Shahnaz |
Sunday |
Instructors may change occasionally from those named in the schedule
Our Instructors
About Founders - Carley & Alan
Carley and Alan established the Yoga Connection in 1999. The first studio of significance in Pretoria at that time.
Carley has always been interested in the inter-connection of the body and mind - accordingly yoga was a natural home for her. With a background in the dramatic arts and a deep interest in the spiritual nature of man, she has been influenced by various influential thinkers and gurus of various disciplines. eg: Mirabai, Lionel Berman, Barbara Brennan, Ingrid Kohler, Swami Krishna Chandra, Gangaji, Elizabeth Kruger (Master EK), Terry Winchester (Mind Frame Technique) and Keith MacFarlane (RHASA) etc. Carley is also a dedicated student of A course in miracles.
She trained under various Yoga schools around the world, in the East and the West. Thus her style is a fusion of Hatha Yoga systems. In South Africa she received training from Durgana, the then president of the Yoga Teachers Fellowship, and graduate of the Ishta Yoga School. Carley has also had training in the fields of Reiki, Thai Massage and Cranio Sacral balancing, Barbara Brennan school of healing - all of which have enhanced her practical application of yoga asana.
She has had the privilege of visiting and practising yoga and similar modalities under a variety of instructors and teachers in New York, Thailand and India. Carley believes in all learning leading into one great truth. This principle has been developed into a unique system of integrating yoga and reiki so that yoga can be practised more effectively as a healing modality. She believes that the asana combined with the pranayama can balance the body and mind and restore personal equilibrium. Working with the awareness of prana - vital healing energy.
Alan has practised yoga since 1998 and with Carley was involved in the establishment of Yoga Connection. He has been trained with Carley and practise's a fusion of Hatha Yoga styles. He primarily presents basic / beginners classes. Being more than casually interested in yoga Alan has also participated in Reiki training and attended a wide variety of yoga classes in Thailand and India to balance his knowledge of different yoga systems.
Having personally enjoyed the wide ranging benefits of yoga practise he has always believed there was a need to provide 'western-friendly' yoga to others. He believes that yoga practise is an important complement to traditional western style practise's which generally seem to 'punish' the body. An awareness of the physical body and the energy body in the management of stress and health are important to him. This establishes a high degree of personal balance. This philosophy underpins his teaching style.
About Annette
Annette was born, raised and educated in Pretoria. Most of her working life, 20 years in all, was dedicated to providing career guidance to school leavers. She qualified as a therapeutic aroma-therapist in 1999, and is registered as such with the Allied Health Professions Council.
Having discovered yoga at the Yoga Connection, she felt like she had come home and accordingly pursued qualification as an instructor with Carley.
Yoga has enriched her life personally and at many levels. This treasured experience she now shares in her classes. These classes tend to be slower, healing and more meditative. She encourages students to become aware of the impact of yoga on the physical, mental and emotional levels. Her instruction encourages gentle work, no forcing of the body, mind or emotions.
Her experience in the fields of psychology and aromatherapy have led her to where she now is and continue to have a positive impact on her yoga practice and instruction.
About Shahnaz
Shahnaz has been practising yoga postures since 1996 when she was taught to use them as part of the warm up for Tai Chi practice. In 1999 she practised yoga with Rita and Tricia in Kampala, Uganda before joining the Yoga Connection in 2001 upon her return to South Africa.
When her husband was sent to Kinshasa (DRC) in 2004, she realised that there was a great need for yoga classes there. After intensive study in books and on the internet she was asked to start simple classes with a friend. Later she began to give formal classes at a gym, three times a week. Soon after, the UN also asked for classes and she gave 2 evening classes on their premises. People working for the various NGO's who did not have access to UN premises, asked for classes which were held at someone's apartment on the sixth floor of an apartment building in Kinshasa – interesting times!
Soon after they moved to Brazzaville (RoC) in 2005 where she found a job with the UNDP and decided not to teach yoga there as there were no appropriate venues. However, a few months later, friends who had heard of my classes in Kinshasa, found a venue, put together a group and asked me to give a once a week session until they returned to South Africa in 2008.
Back in South Africa Shahnaz formalized her teaching skills at Yoga Connection and now continues giving instruction at Yoga Connection.
About Shikhara
Shikhara started yoga at the age of seventeen and continued on and off while raising three children and running a business.
During 1999 she started practicing healing and discovered the enormous benefits of Reiki. This led to further training in a variety of healing modalities.
Yoga was a natural part of her discovery in healing. Yoga became a serious part of her life in 2000, qualifying as an instructor at Yoga Connection in 2003 and then furthering her instruction skills with Durgana. Shikhara’s creative skills led to the design and sale of a range of clothing suited to yoga practitioners. She now also sells other objects d’art at the recently opened shop “Samadhi” at Yoga Connection.
Shikhara runs our special prenatal (preggie) classes.
About Trevor
Trevor started beginners yoga classes with Sivananda yoga teacher Janice Hamman in Pretoria. Trevor attended Advanced Yoga Courses conducted by BKS Iyengar in Mauritius, Malawi, Swaziland, Poona India. At the end of the course Trevor was granted certificate to teach BKS Iyengar Yoga Method.
Trevor then attended a six day intensive BKS Inyengar Workshop conducted by Geeta Inyegar in Johannesburg.
Trevor is now qualified to teach the Senior Intermediate course of yoga Asanas and Intermediate Pranayama as set out in light on yoga and light on Pranayama.
Trevor is a founder member as selected by BKS Inyengar of the South African Ramamani Inyengar memorial Yoga Institute also a drafted original constitution and certificates.
About Deborah
I have been a practicing yogi since 2000 and work as a Natural Health and Wellness practitioner specialising in reflexology, therapeutic massage and detoxification, supporting clients through cleansing and fasting programs combined with colon hydrotherapy. I believe that fasting and cleansing gives the body the space to heal itself, still the mind and raises one's vibrations.
My lifelong yearning to teach yoga became a burning desire when I started attending yoga classes at Yoga Connection in 2001. After the traumatic birth of my first child, which resulted in severe cerebral palsy, life became intense, stressful and chaotic. Yoga was my salvation. Being on my yoga mat became a place of solace. The asanas allowed me to be in my body, in the moment. The pranayama and yoga nidra induced a calmness, peace and connection to my deepest self that could be found nowhere else.
We are each an expression of the life force within. Yoga guides us into a relationship with this life force. Through the breath, the physical body, a focused mind and an open heart, we encounter a more authentic way of being ourselves. In my classes I like to practice asana which strengthen and tone the body, in a meditative way, with time between each posture to feel the relaxation and tranquility that yoga induces. Allowing time for introspection and self-realization, combined with pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation for that connection to one's inner light and love.
I am honoured and filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share my knowledge of this ancient healing practice.
About Cornelia King
After many years of attending yoga classes and having an inquisitive mind with an interest in philosophy, I decided to enrol for a yoga teacher’s training course to deepen my understanding and practice. I subsequently completed several yoga courses.
My interest lies mainly in a holistic approach: perfect alignment for each individual body, and a meditative, transformational yin practice. For me the balance and harmony obtained through yoga practice (perfect alignment for each individual body, mind and self) is important.
Yin yoga is sometimes called the fountain of youth. As we grow older, our bodies lose flexibility, tension increases, circulation is inhibited and tissues begin to atrophy and deteriorate. Yin yoga can greatly reverse this process, thereby slowing down ageing. The simplicity we find in the stillness and silence of a yin practice might just be the most potent medicine for our modern busy lives.
About William
Yoga has truly changed and enriched my life. In my experience connection with the body is the portal to connect with the Devine. I am trained in Kundalini Yoga and Bihar Yoga, but I enjoy all the different forms of yoga. My classes have a meditative undertone where awareness of the experience is more important than the correctness of the posture.
About Franco
My yoga journey
The first time I did a ballet class I experienced a subtle awakening. Although I had been very sporty until that very moment, sixteen almost seventeen years old, standing in first position plié, I didn’t realize the pleasure and joy to be found in slow, controlled, and repetitive movement. Instantly hooked I returned to ballet, finding a place of safety, security, and exhilaration. In a very real way ballet became my north star with my body the ship to take me there. I went on to dance professionally for 10 years. However, in all my time as a dancer I never learnt to truly listen to my body. It was a tool, an object to be pushed beyond its limits, an object of expression, of movements, to be played, like a musical instrument without care or concern.
After ballet I completed a degree in architecture. Shifting my focus to the mind and the exploration of creativity. I forgot about my body until one day when, as is most often the case, it called out to me through pain. Pathology rang clear and loud, you have forgotten about me, my body cried.
And so, very slowly, still with the perspective of a dancer I began to explore yoga. At first all I wanted was to gain strength and fitness. Yet, time after time, my body would revolt in pain, as if it was saying, no, you need to go slower, you can’t push me like a dancer anymore.
So after exploring mainly Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga I found Yoga Synergy and a calm conscious way of moving and exploring the body. Described as being dynamic and meditative, Synergy brought a harmony to my practice, initiating a resonance between asana, vinyasa and pranayama. Currently my practice is an active dialogue, a fluid meeting of spirit and matter in the exhilarating moment of the present.
About Keri-Ann
My yoga journey started when I was pregnant with my 1st child in 2015. Yoga really helped me to move, breathe and connect with my body during my transition into Motherhood, assisting in alleviating some discomfort and preparing my body for birth.
I started my teacher training course in 2018 but had to put it on pause due to work and the birth of my 2nd child. I then went on to complete my TTC with Yoga Connection in 2023 and received my certificate.
My passion for helping people and wanting to make a difference in the world has guided me on this path of becoming a yoga teacher and I hope that I can bring a love for yoga, kindness, compassion and peace into the lives of those who I am humbled to teach. My classes are for beginners with a deep focus on breath, relieving stress and with some level of pushing the body to go deeper and allowing it to surrender to asana physically, mentally and emotionally.
Namaste 🙏